I just watched the official trailer for the new moon film..and ooooo i am sooo excited, i cant wait to see it...I am actually reading the books again, and i gotta say ...i am enjoying them even better the second time time around...as i actually have time to savour the story, rather than rushing to get to the next bit to find out whats going to happen...lol
anyway...sorry for my waffling.. just had to share that....on to why i am posting...lol
Kirsty has a new kit out called ' I know what you are'..and its simply stunning..check out her blog HERE to see this and many more beautiful kits....and I loved it so much...that not only did i do a tag and tut HERE
I also made a desktop with it..
in the download are 2 versions..there is this one.....
and the other is the same but as a desktop plopper, so you can add your own photo to it...
cool eh?......
posted with Kirsty's permission..
download both HERE
till next tme xx
diane x
Thanks for leaving me those kind words on my blog, hun ;o) Hugs TINA
Thank you very much they're gorgeous!! Audra xx
This is just stunning, i am comming back later on my own pc to download this beauty!!
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