hey everybody, hope you are having a great weekend....I woke up about 3am and couldnt get back to sleep, so I ended up in PSP and made this Snowy Alpha... its full size.
wishful thinking on my part as we rarely get snow here in the UK , but a girl can dream...

Its capitals and numbers with a couple of characters only,
Its capitals and numbers with a couple of characters only,
however I may do the small letters also....
Available in full size.
but I thought it might do some one else a turn so sharing it free
Available in full size.
but I thought it might do some one else a turn so sharing it free
hugz Diane xx
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 2 post on Nov. 22, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Tagger Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 22 Nov [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 23 Nov [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).
thank you so much for this alpha freebie :)
Thank you for sharing.
Thank You!! fell in love with it. :)
Thank you. Love the alpha. :)
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